Andy Goetz


A Bare Metal Example

Recently I took a class on Embedded Systems at Portand State University, and was required to program a bare metal ARM development board. This is a continuation of my notes on how to program the board. You can read the first part here.

In order for this development environment to work, we need to implement the syscalls that newlib will use for the C standard library. Most of the required syscalls are necessary in order to access abstractions that wont make sense on the development board. For example, with a concept of a process, there is no need for the fork() system call. In fact, the only system call we really need to implement is sbrk().

sbrk() is used to implement the malloc() family of functions. Without sbrk(), there is no way to dynamically allocate memory to the running program. One could argue that even this is not needed in a bare-bones environment, but on the offchance that it is needed, the sbrk() system call is easy to implement:

/* Increase program data space */
caddr_t _sbrk(int incr)
    extern char _end;
    static char *heap_end;
    char *prev_heap_end;
    register char * stack_ptr __asm__ ("sp");
    if(heap_end == 0)
        heap_end = &_end;
    prev_heap_end = heap_end;
    if(heap_end + incr > stack_ptr)
        _write(1, "Heap and stack collision\n", 25);
    heap_end += incr;
    return (caddr_t) prev_heap_end;

sbrk() increases the space in a program by the specified number of bytes. On success, it returns the previous end of memory space for the program. You can read more about sbrk() by running the command “man 2 sbrk”. sbrk() is important in a proper multi-programmed operating system because it provides a safe way for programs to expand without stepping on one another. In our single-user, single-program embedded world, all we need to worry about is sbrk overflowing the stack.

The rest of the system calls are listed in the source files at the bottom of this post.

It is very hard to find meaningful results in a test of a program intended for embedded use without running it on real hardware. However, one can simulate a program by using GDB’s ARM micro-architecture simulator. Here is an example program that busy waits for approximately 1 second on a PXA270 microprocessor, and then blinks an LED:

 Author: Andy Goetz
 Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved

#include "armdefs.h"

/* This file contains an example program that uses a simple spin loop
to toggle an LED */

#define LED_BIT 13
#define LED_MASK (1 << LED_BIT)
int main()

    /* Delay value needed for wait loop */
    const int DELAY_VAL = 0x0A74FB05/3;

    /* set up GPIO 13 as input */
    /* make sure starting value is low */

    GPDR0 |= LED_MASK;
    while (1)
        for(int i = 0; i < DELAY_VAL; i++)
        GPSR0 = LED_MASK;

       for(int i = 0; i < DELAY_VAL; i++)
       GPCR0 = LED_MASK;

The macros GPSR0, GPCR0 and GPDR0 are defined in “armdefs.h”. They are the hardware-specific registers for the PXA270’s GPIOs. To compile this example, use the following code:

arm-elf-gcc --std=c99 -g -o test test.c syscalls.c

This will produce the binary file containing our program. We can use GDB to step through a simulated execution of the program. GDB won’t blink an LED: the memory-mapped registers will behave like normal memory locations, but we can see how the program runs, and look at its disassembly:

arm-elf-gdb test

We need to start up the simulator, and load in our code:

target sim
Connected to the simulator.
(gdb) load
Loading section .init, size 0x20 vma 0x8000
Loading section .text, size 0x171c vma 0x8020
Loading section .fini, size 0x1c vma 0x973c
Loading section .rodata, size 0x8c vma 0x9758
Loading section .eh_frame, size 0x45c vma 0x97e4
Loading section .ctors, size 0x8 vma 0x11c40
Loading section .dtors, size 0x8 vma 0x11c48
Loading section .jcr, size 0x4 vma 0x11c50
Loading section .data, size 0x848 vma 0x11c54
Start address 0x810c
Transfer rate: 74976 bits in <1 sec.

Now we can set breakpoints and step through our code:

(gdb) break main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x821c: file test.c, line 18.
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/agoetz/test 

Breakpoint 1, main () at test.c:18
18 const int DELAY_VAL = 0x0A74FB05/3;

Next time, I will demonstrate how to mix C and assembly, and how to implement an Interrupt Service Routine using this development environment.

Source Files: armdefs.h syscalls.h syscalls.c test.c